Information Variety 정보의 다양성/극대화자와 만족자(Maximizer and Satisficer)

2023. 2. 11. 08:16공부/경영학도의 경제공부


Information(option) Variety

선택지가 많아졌을때 소비자들은 어떤 반응을 보이는가?

(ltengar & Lepper 연구 결과(2000))


Limited Selection vs Extended selection

Limited: higher Satisfaction with choice

Extended: higher enjoyment of choice & difficulty of choice (but lower satisfaction)


소비자들은 선택지가 더 적을때 오히려 구매 가능성 및 만족도가 높았다.

많은 선택지가 항상 좋은 것은 아니라는 것.

관심을 끌 수는 있지만 과도한 선택지는 선택 마비(choice paralysis)를 일으킴.


conclusion: Variety makes people enjoy the choice process more, but they also find it more difficult. Regarding choice outcomes, they are less satisfied with their choice and less likely to choose a product if variety is high.
conclusion 2 : Variety attracts more customers. But More is not always better. if selection is limited to just a few alternatives, they are tend to buy more. 

Image by mrsiraphol on Freepik

Freedom of choice can also be harmful.

 especially if information provision in the environment is massive.

+ advertisers try to influence consumers in their search focus

Two decision strategies: Maximizing vs Satisfying

two strategies are based on their tendency.

소비자의 성향에 따라 Maximizing과 Satisfying으로 의사결정 전략이 나뉜다.


Maximizing : Try to maximize, seek for the best possible outcome

최고의 결과를 내고자 함

more logical and objective, 결과에 대해 더 쉽게 우울해함, 전반적으로 더 나은 결과를 냄, 갈등함(long time searching)


Satisfying : Try to achieve an outcome that's subjectively set to be good enough(i.e., certain aspiration level)

적당한 결과에도 잘 만족함, 후회 가능성이 적음


Retail environments probide an abundance of information via all areas/advertisments.

Consumers are exposed to more informations nowadays.

Too much choices can be harmful for both retailers & consumers.