Riot Games and Xbox Game Pass Benefits
Since last year, when you sign up for Riot Games with Xbox Game Pass, you've been able to get free access to five titles from Riot Games! As you can see in the image, these are 5 title games from Riot Games. u can enjoy these games with benefits when u have Game Pass! How to connect Riot games acc & Xbox acc I play a lot of Riot Games' games, so I linked my Xbox profile to my Riot account almost..
2023.07.19 -
Customise your own controller with Xbox Design Lab
I've had my Xbox Series S for a month now! I'm getting used to the controller and the controls. Then, I found out about Xbox Design Lab. Xbox Design Lab is a feature that allows you to design and customise your own controller! When I say controller, I mean yo 🎮! This means you can design this controller any way you want 👍. The Xbox Series S controller comes in a nice, clean white colour, but y..
2023.07.19 -
Introducing Xbox Game Pass & Xbox Games Recommendations
Today, I'm going to talk about Game Pass and give you some of my favourite Xbox games. Unfortunately, the images I created are for Korean, so English-speaking readers should refer to the text. You've got an Xbox? Time to play games 😋 There are two ways to play games on Xbox. First, by purchasing game titles directly. Second, by purchasing a Game Pass. For those of you who choose the first option..