2023. 7. 19. 21:46ㆍ게임_콘솔/Xbox
Since last year, when you sign up for Riot Games with Xbox Game Pass, you've been able to get free access to five titles from Riot Games!
As you can see in the image, these are 5 title games from Riot Games. u can enjoy these games with benefits when u have Game Pass!
How to connect Riot games acc & Xbox acc
I play a lot of Riot Games' games, so I linked my Xbox profile to my Riot account almost immediately after registering for the Game Pass :D
this is how:
After accessing the link above,
Sign in with your Microsoft account (the account in your Xbox profile),Check the necessary things and sign in to your Riot account.
You're done linking your Riot account to your Xbox Game Pass and profile.
super ez!
Xbox Game Pass + Riot Games benefits
In my last post, I discussed the benefits of GamePass,
but since this post focuses on linking two accounts
we're going to talk about the benefits of linking two accounts.
Since December 2022, You can sign in to Riot Games with your Xbox account.
Please note that after linking your account, you'll need to turn off the game and re-login to see the benefits.
With Game Pass, you can unlock this from Valorant
With Game Pass, you can unlock this from LoL
With Game Pass, you can unlock this from TFT
With Game Pass, you can unlock this from LoL: Wild Rift
With Game Pass, you can unlock this from Legends of Runeterra
This is the sample screenshot i took from TFT (KR server)
'하이 눈 라운지(high noon saloon arena)' was this months' unlocked arena :)
According to this capture, I got 163 champions in LoL and 127 little legends!
In this post, I wrote about how to link your Riot and Xbox accounts to get Game Pass benefits on a variety of Riot Games titles.
In addition to all the games and benefits you can get on Xbox, you can also get Game Pass benefits while playing games on PC and mobile. 👍
마이크로소프트 xbox 대학생 서포터즈 활동의 일환으로 제품을 제공받아 작성하였습니다.
Product was provided to me as part of the Microsoft Xbox University Ambassador program.
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