공부/경영학도의 경제공부

게임 이론(Game Theory), 들어가기 전 시장의 형태 공부 한스푼

Sarahh 2022. 6. 9. 02:43

4가지 타입의 Market(시장)을 알아보자!


1. Perfect competition : 완전경쟁시장

- Has low barriers, identical products, no control over price (e.g. Strawberry)


2. Monopoly : 독점시장

- One large company produces a product with few substitutes. High barriers(prevent competition) 큰 기업 하나가 독점함. 


3. Monopolistic competition : 독점적 경쟁 시장

- 독점(Monopoly)와 완전 경쟁(Perfect competition)의 요소를 결합한 시장.

- Market with many producers, relatively low barriers. products are very similar but not identical. (e.g. Fastfood, Furniture)


4. Oligopolies : 과점시장

- Have high barriers to entry, controlled by a few large companies. products are very similar but not identical.

That gives them some control over their prices. By thing such as Non-price competition!

-> Non-price competition : Companies focus on their style, quality, location or service.



Collusion(담합) : Businesses don't compete at all & they agree to charge the same high price, conspiring the form what economists call CARTEL(카르텔) -> split customers but make even more profit. (illegal, 한국에서도 불법)




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